What is a Red Flag Warning?

A Red Flag Warning is a term used by weather forecasters to indicate that conditions are ripe for extreme fire behavior. It is a warning to the public that the combination of low humidity, high temperatures, and strong winds can create dangerous fire conditions. When a Red Flag Warning is issued, it means that there is a high probability of wildfire ignition and rapid spread.
Red Flag Warnings are typically issued by the National Weather Service when a combination of weather conditions are present that can contribute to extreme fire behavior. The criteria for issuing a Red Flag Warning can vary depending on the location and the season. However, generally, they are issued when the humidity is less than 25 percent, the temperature is above 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and the wind speed is above 15 miles per hour. These conditions can cause any fires that do start to spread quickly and can become uncontrollable.
When a Red Flag Warning is issued, it is important for people in the affected area to be aware of the conditions and take appropriate precautions. This may include avoiding outdoor activities that could potentially ignite fires, such as campfires, barbeques, or smoking. Additionally, people should be extra careful when using equipment that produces sparks, such as lawn mowers or chainsaws.
Residents in affected areas should also take steps to protect their homes from potential fires. This may include clearing debris from gutters and roofs, trimming trees and bushes, and creating a defensible space around the home.
Red Flag Warning Issued February 29th
Attention, residents of Western and Northern Iowa! Brace yourselves for another day of extreme fire weather conditions. As southwest winds pick up, temperatures are on the rise, bringing dry and arid conditions with them. With relative humidity levels plummeting to the teens and lower 20s, and sustained winds reaching 25 mph, gusting up to 35 to 40 mph, the northwest half of the state is at high risk. A Red Flag Warning remains in effect from 10 AM to 6 PM CST today. It’s crucial to exercise caution as any fires that ignite have the potential to spread rapidly. Postpone any outdoor burning activities and stay vigilant.
Red Flag Warning Safety Tips
- Avoid using lawn mowers in dry vegetation
- Follow all local fire restrictions on the use of chainsaws, mowers, and other equipment during high risk times.
- If you are allowed to burn in your area, all burn barrels must be covered with a weighted metal cover, with holes no larger than 3/4 of an inch.
- Do not throw cigarettes or matches out of a moving vehicle. They may ignite dry grass on the side of the road and become a wildfire.
- Extinguish all outdoor fires properly. Drown fires with plenty of water and stir to make sure everything is cold to the touch. Dunk charcoal in water until cold. Do not throw live charcoal on the ground and leave it.
- Never leave a fire unattended. Sparks or embers can blow into leaves or grass, ignite a fire, and quickly spread
- Do not drive your vehicle in dry tall grass. The underside of your vehicle is hot and can easily ignite grasses from your exhaust muffler
- Ensure trailer chains do not drag on the ground