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What Does MCS Mean?


MCS is an abbreviation you are probably going to hear a lot about this summer and almost any summer for that matter. So we wanted to explain what exactly MCS stands for.

What is a Mesocale Convective System? (MCS)

A mesoscale convective system (MCS) is a linear complex of thunderstorms that becomes organized on a scale larger than the individual thunderstorms and normally persists for several hours or more.

An MCS, to put it simply, is the traditional life cycle of a long-duration thunderstorm event. It begins with the initial development. That’s where large hail and strong winds, as well as tornadoes, are possible. Eventually, these isolated or discrete supercells eventually form a large and complex line of thunderstorms. Often times this happens shortly after sunset.

Shelf cloud Pano

That’s when the storms can become a bit more elevated and begin to race, bringing with them widespread damaging winds and still some large hail. An isolated tornado cannot be ruled out but oftentimes they are brief and weak. Eventually, these storms will begin to slow down and train over the same area. When all is said and done, you get a full plate of severe weather modes across a wide area. Initially, you get the stronger, potentially tornado-producing storms, followed by a large line of thunderstorms capable of destructive winds. And finally, heavy rain can produce flash flooding over a given area.

These types of events are common in the summer, with a lot more energy available for storm systems to maintain their intensity through the overnight hours.