When Does Winter End in Iowa?

Winter in Iowa typically lasts from December to February, with temperatures averaging between 20-30°F. But as the days get longer and the sun shines brighter, Iowans can look forward to the end of winter and the start of spring.
Spring in Iowa officially begins on March 20th, but signs of its arrival can be seen as early as mid-February. One of the first indicators is the return of migratory birds, who bring with them the sounds of spring and a burst of color to the previously bleak winter landscape.
Another sure sign that winter is ending is the melting of snow and ice. As the snow recedes, it reveals the dormant grass, which is soon to turn green once again. The once frozen streams and rivers also come back to life, as they flow freely and bring new life to the surrounding areas. During winter, the average snowfall in Iowa is about 30 inches per year. However, this can vary greatly depending on the location and the year. Some parts of the state may receive as little as 10 inches, while others may receive more than 60 inches in a single winter.
In addition to the return of nature, spring in Iowa is also marked by the arrival of festivals and outdoor events. Farmers markets and street fairs are a common sight, and Iowans take advantage of the milder weather to enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and fishing.
The end of winter in Iowa also means an end to the long, dark nights and the start of longer, sunnier days. This increase in daylight and warmth helps to boost the mood and energy levels of Iowans, who are eager to get outside and enjoy all that spring has to offer.
If you are looking forward to the warmer temperatures, be sure to check our your local 7-day weather forecast!